Local Delivery In Astoria


One of our favorite things over the past year is meeting people from our community who want to try our coffee. We understand that if you live in Astoria that you don't always want your coffee to be shipped from us to you. So we're starting local delivery! If you live n zip codes 11102, 11103, or 11105, this is for you!

We know it may at first seem a little convoluted (this is new to us too,) so bear with us. If you fall into one of these delivery zones, we will make deliveries on Saturday mornings between 9am and noon. First, add the items that you want to your cart. When either in your cart or at checkout choose the "Local Delivery" option. You'll then be asked for a delivery time slot; choose the one that's best for you and finish your purchase. After your purchase you will get a refund of $2 per item (excluding the individual single serve packets), up to $10 total. Orders must be placed by 10pm on Thursday for delivery on the upcoming Saturday.

There is a $15 minimum for local delivery. Orders between $15 and $30 will have a $3 delivery charge (no gratuities!), and over $30 has no charge. Also, all sales and discounts from the website such as the 10% discount for orders over $50 will still apply. And you'll have fresh specialty coffee delivered to your door!

Thanks so much for your continued support of us- we love being a part of this neighborhood and community, and are excited to continue to build our relationship over our favorite pastime/dependency.